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What is tooth banking?

Tooth banking is the storing of dental stem cells that have the ability to regenerate into almost and cell type in our bodies. When your child's tooth or your own is extracted by a dental professional, dental stem cells are harvested from the dental pulp within the tooth. Baby teeth and wisdom teeth are rich in dental stem cells. These are a valuable source of highly regenerative stem cells and are preserved indefinitely by being isolated from the dental pulp and cryogenically frozen.

Why bank teeth?

Why do we save money for our children's education? So that they can have the best possibilities for a successful career. Why do we spend money on our children's extracurricular activities?  So that they can do what they love and experience lifetime memories and accomplishments.  Why would we bank our children's teeth? So that they can have the best possible chance at a healthy future.  Banking dental stem cells give your children the ability to take advantage of stem cell therapies of today and those that emerge in the future.  No parent wants their children to get sick or become disease-stricken.  So take advantage of medical benefits today that can provide cutting edge treatments for tomorrow.

What type of stem cells are found in dental pulp?

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC)

Mesenchymal stem cells, the type found in teeth, have already proven to be a powerful and potent platform for developing treatments. They have the unique ability to develop into bone, cartilage, muscle, nerves, skin and potentially even entire organs like livers and kidneys.

What are the clinical benefits?

Currently stem cells are being used to treat cancers like Leukemia and Lymphoma, metabolic disorders, gum disease, immunodeficiency's, cardiovascular diseases, spinal cord injury, bone/cartilage repair, bone barrow failure syndromes, multiple sclerosis, and more.

ToothBank is the leader in health preservation technology. With ToothBank, your child’s mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) will be preserved indefinitely, ready to use when the need arises. Stem cell technology isn’t as far-fetched as you might think. It’s no longer science fiction, but science fact. Countless parents just like you have chosen to bank their child’s stem cells. They’ve made this decision on the strength of the 2,000-plus clinical studies and trials that show the promise of stem cells for regenerating damaged and diseased tissue and treat life-threatening diseases.

Promising results in clinical trials

  • MSCs can be grafted onto breast tumor sites to suppress tumor cell growth.

  • Parkinson’s patients who receive MSCs all showed consistent improvements in motor scores.

  • 30% of diabetes patients who receive MSCs can stop insulin injections completely.

  • 70% of diabetes patients showed a 75% reduction in insulin requirements.

  • MSCs also improved diabetes complications, healing nerve and kidney damage.

  • Heart attack patients who receive MSCs have decreased scar tissue, better heart function, and healthier blood vessels.

  • MSC therapy is shown to significantly improve function after stroke in animal studies.

Emerging applications for Stroke, Type 1 Diabetes, Brain Injury, Corneal Damage, Hearing Loss, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Tooth Loss, Jawbone Regeneration, Facial Reconstruction, Heart Defects, Heart Attack, Kidney Disease, Deafness, Crohn’s Disease.

Other benefits

  • Affordable Annual Storage Fees

  • Stem Cells stored in very safe climate location (Indianapolis, IN)

  • Annual Storage Fee is locked in and will not increase.

  • Lab Processes 7 days a week.